Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2011


1. Basic breathing Slip your shoes off and place your feet on the floor. Sit up straight and tall, distributing your weight evenly on both sit bones. Rest your arms on your thighs or by your side, palms up, thumb and index finger touching. The palms up position rolls your shoulder joints open and focuses your energy upward, toward the sky. The thumb and index finger connection creates a balance between mind and body.

2. Breathing plus Gently tuck in your belly and inhale slowly, rolling your shoulders forward and up. Exhale slowly, rolling your shoulders backwards and relaxing them down. Do this three times in a continuous motion. Imagine your energy floating up your spine, through your neck and to the crown of your head as you inhale, and then back down as you exhale. Relax your jaw and the hollows under your cheek bones. Acknowledge your thoughts, feelings and emotions as you inhale and then release them as you exhale. Stay conscious and aware.
  3. Deep breathing
Inhale deeply filling your belly, lower lungs, mid lungs, upper lungs and chest. Slowly push the breath out of your upper lungs, mid lungs, lower lungs and belly. Repeat five times with your eyes closed.
  4. Breathing with bowed head
Keeping your eyes closed, bring your chin to your chest. Take three long breaths and then slowly bring your neck to its upright position by uncurling it one vertebrae at a time. (Hint: there are seven vertebrae in the neck alone.)
  5. Breath retention
Stay aware of your physical and emotional needs throughout the exercises. Tuning in to the body is the only way to tune up the body.
Inhale slowly for five counts, hold in for five counts and exhale out for five counts. Do three or more full sets.
Inhale slowly for five counts, exhale for five counts, hold for five counts. Do three or more full sets.
Inhale slowly for five counts, hold in for five counts, exhale for five counts, hold out for five counts. Do three or more sets.

Neck & Shoulder Exercises!

1. Bowing down to yourself Sit with your spine straight, both feet flat on the floor. Gently float your chin to your chest. Take three long, deep breaths.
  2. Ear to shoulder
Sit with your spine straight, both feet flat on the floor. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, slowly roll your left ear towards your left shoulder. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, rolling your chin back to your chest. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, rolling your right ear to your right shoulder. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly, rolling your chin back to your chest. Do three or more sets.
  3. Stretch
Sit with your spine straight, both feet flat on the floor. Pretend there is a cord attached to the crown of your head gently pulling you up taller. Direct your gaze in front of your nose and bring your hand to your chin. Inhale deeply, resting your hand on your chin and exhale slowly, gently pressing your chin in to your neck. You should feel this stretch lengthening the back of your neck. Do three or more sets.
  4. Stretch & turn Inhale deeply, chin tucked to your chest, spine straight and tall, arms by your side. Exhale slowly as you turn to the right. Relax your shoulders and be sure to limit the stretch only to your neck. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly as you turn to the center. Inhale deeply holding your turkey stretch with a straight spine: exhale slowly as you turn to the left. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly as you turn to the center. Do three or more sets.
  5. Shoulder relaxation
Sit with your spine straight, both feet flat on the floor. Arms are by your side, palms facing inward. Inhale slowly rolling your shoulders up to your ear lobes, exhale slowly rolling them back and down. Feel your spine lengthen. Do five or more full circles.

Now try some Eye Calisthenics!

  2. Eye moves horizontally Begin breathing long and deeply and relax your shoulders. Inhale slowly looking to the far left and exhale slowly looking to the far right. Keep your head and shoulders still. Do three full sets and then blink your eyes for ten seconds. Gently close your eyes and relax for three long deep breaths.
  3. Eye moves vertically Begin breathing long and deeply. Relax your shoulders, resting your hands on your thighs. Slowly inhale, stretching your eyeballs up to the sky and then exhale, looking down to the ground. Do not move your head and shoulders. Do three full sets and then blink your eyes for ten seconds. Gently close your eyes and relax for three long deep breaths.
  4. Eye moves in a circle
Sit very tall in your chair with both feet flat on the floor. Begin breathing long and deep. Do not move any body parts. Sitting in your stillness, begin to move only your eyes. Roll your eyes in big circles clockwise for three long deep breaths. Then roll your eyes counter clockwise for three long deep breaths. Blink your eyes rapidly for ten seconds. Gently close your eyes and relax for three long deep breaths.

Lower Back & Pelvis Exercises

  1. Relax in chair Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Feel both sit bones pressing into your chair. Firmly grasp your kneecaps and hold them. Shoulders and arms are relaxed.
Inhale slowly, pressing and lifting your chest forward and up. Exhale slowly rounding your back, pulling your navel in to your spine and curling your shoulders forward. Repeat until your body feels relaxed and loose.
  2. Lower back stretch Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Slowly lower your forearms to your thighs as you begin to stretch out with the crown of your head, lengthening your spine. Bring your chest to your thighs, relaxing your head and allowing your thoughts to spill out onto the floor. If you find your chest resting on your thighs, slowly lower your hands to the floor and walk your hands away from your toes. Take five to ten long deep breaths.
To complete this posture: slowly bring your hands to your knees and round your spine, uncurling one vertebrae at a time until you are sitting tall and straight.
Inhale, rolling your shoulders up to your ears and exhale, rolling your shoulders down. Do this three times.
  3. Lower back stretch with a hand release Do the lower back stretch. Rest the backs of your hands on the floor, fingers facing the front of your feet, and gently place your toes and the balls of your feet on the palms of your hands. Massage your hands with your toes. Relax your head and take five to ten long deep breaths.
To complete this posture: slowly bring your hands to your knees and round your spine, uncurling one vertebrae at a time.
  4. Lower back stretch with shoulders Do the lower back stretch, remembering to breathe long and deep. Rest your hands behind your lower back and interlace your fingers. Squeeze the heels of your hands and shoulder blades together. Relax your neck. Slowly raise your interlaced hands behind you, up towards the sky. Breathe deeply into your chest. Take five to ten deep breaths.
  5. Hip opener
Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Place your left ankle on top of your right knee. Breathing long and deep, slowly stretch your upper body over your left leg, leading with the crown of your head. Let your arms hang to the ground or rest them at your sides. Relax your neck.
Take five to ten deep, long breaths. Listen to your thoughts and release them with each exhale.
To complete this posture: round your back, uncurling each vertebrae. Release your left leg and repeat on the other side.
  6. Spinal twist
Let's do the twist! A favorite of newbies and old-timers alike, this is really a great way to unwind.
Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Cross your right leg over your left leg. Place your left hand on the outside of your right knee. Inhale, lengthening your spine by lifting your chest upwards and outwards. Exhale, turning your gaze towards the back of your chair. Repeat. With each exhale you should try and turn your spine a bit more. Do ten times.
Gently return your head to the center and uncross your right leg. Take three deep breaths. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
Think of your spine lengthening and stretching with each turn.

Self Massage!

1. Back Massage Bring a tennis ball to work. Sitting tall in your chair, place the tennis ball on the painful area and lean into the chair. Pressing against the ball, begin to breathe long and deeply. Take ten or more breaths. Repeat if necessary.
  2. Scalp Massage
One of the best ways to relieve head tension is to get the blood circulating between the skin, skull and brain. This is one sure fire way to get that blood movin'!
Place your hands on your scalp, right at the hair roots. Spread your fingers and thumbs out to cover as much of the scalp as possible. Gently rotate the hair roots in a clockwise motion. Breathe long and deeply to promote oxygen flow to the tight areas of the scalp. Take ten breaths, massaging as you breathe. Change direction. Start massaging at your hairline and move backwards to the nape of your neck.
  3. Temple Rub
Bring your elbows down to your desk and place your hands on your temples. Using small circular motions, gently rub the skin clockwise and then counter clockwise. Do for the duration of ten long breaths.
  4. Forehead Massage Rest your elbows on your desk, hand and forearm parallel to your spine. Lift the heel of your hand to your third eye point, the space between your eye brows. Allow all the weight of your head to fall in to the heel of your hand. Breathe long and deeply.
Begin making small circular rotations with the heel of your hand on your third eye point. Do both clockwise and counter clockwise.

Hand & Wrist Exercises!

  1. Prayer position Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Place your hands together, finger to finger, palm to palm, in prayer pose in front of the Heart Center. Slowly inhale, pressing the palms of your hands firmly together, fingers pointing up. Holding the prayer pose, exhale slowly as you lower your hands as far as possible. Remember to maintain the prayer pose. Inhale and slowly raise your hands in front of your Heart Center. Exhale slowly and lower your hands. Do five to ten times.
To complete this posture: inhale, keeping your hands in front of your chest and exhale, relaxing your chin to your chest.
  2. Counter stretch to prayer position Sit with your spine straight and both feet flat on the floor. Stretch your arms out in front of your Heart Center, shoulders relaxed, palms together, fingers interlaced. Reach outward with your arms and hands, keeping your back straight. Inhale slowly, raising your arms above the crown of your head. Allow your entire spine to stretch tall and long. Exhale slowly, feeling the length in your spine, and return your hands to their position in front of the Heart Center. Do this five to ten times.
To complete this posture: inhale, pressing your palms up to the sky and then exhale, slowly allowing your hands to float down to your sides.

Αν έχετε νιώσει πόνο στον αυχένα ως αποτέλεσμα της δουλειάς σας μπορείτε να μάθετε τα πάντα γύρω από τον αυχενικό πόνο μέσα από το βιβλίο της Ασημίνας Ντέλιου

NECK PAIN: THE RELIEF MANUAL: Spinal Stenosis, Arthritis, Herniated disc, Stiff neck and Pinched Nerve Physical Therapy and Home Remedies

Σε αυτό περιλαμβάνονται επαγγελματικές φυσικοθεραπευτικές τεχνικές και εναλλακτικές θεραπείες για τον αυχενικό πόνο, τεχνικές και βίντεο για μάλαξη και αυτο-μάλαξη, τροποποιημένες τεχνικές για να εφαρμόσετε στο σπίτι, 24 διατάσεις και ασκήσεις ενδυνάμωσης για τον οξύ αυχενικό πόνο, 30 ασκήσεις για την ενδυνάμωση του αυχένα, θεραπείες με βότανα και η ιδανική διατροφή για να αντιμετωπίσετε τον αυχενικό πόνο, πώς θα διαλέξετε το ιδανικό μαξιλάρι και στρώμα, εργονομικές θέσεις για το γραφείο και επιπλέον 12 συμβουλές για την αντιμετώπιση και την πρόληψη της αυχεναλγίας.